Famous tourist paces in chikkaballapur district


Nandi Hills is an ancient hill station built by Ganga Dynasty in the Chikkaballapur district of Karnataka state. It is 10 km from Chickballapur town and approximately 60 km from Bengaluru. The hills are near the town Nandi. In traditional belief, the hills are the origin of the Arkavathy river,[1] Ponnaiyar RiverPalar River,[2] Papagni River and Penna River.[3] Watching the sunrise at Nandi Hills is popular with tourists.[4] The first ever SAARC summit hosted by India was held at Nandi Hills in 1986.[5]


Nandi Hills was developed by Ganga Dynasty in 11th century.[7][8] It was also used by Tippu Sultan as a summer retreat.[9]

Nandidurga was traditionally held impregnable, and its storming by the army of Cornwallis on 19 October 1791 was one of the most notable incidents of the first war against Tippu Sultan of Mysore. A description of the siege is given in Browne's History of Scotland[10] and the records of the 71st Highlanders.[11]

Nundydroog, a celebrated fortress and country of Hindostan, in the province of Mysore. The former is built on the summit of a rock, about 1700 feet high, three-fourths of its circumference being inaccessible. Our forces took it by storm in 1791, after a three weeks' siege. It stands in long. 77° 53' E., and lat. 13° 22' N.

— London Encyclopaedia, 1829[12]

It later became a retreat for British Raj officials during the hot season. Francis Cunningham built the summer residence here for Sir Mark Cubbon.

...this droog, one now used as a hotel, built by General Cubbon, sometime British resident; but the rock has a bad reputation for malaria, and except in the very dry months is shunned by visitors, in spite of its, to the senses, delightful climate

— Lt. Gen. E F Burton[13]

The climate at the top of the hill made it of interest to horticulturists. Several species of plant were introduced into an experimental garden. Firminger's manual notes that several species of Anona were grown at this garden and also notes the peculiarity of Hypericum mysorense:[14]

top view of nandi hills



2.SKANDAGIRI HILLS(kalawara betta)

Skandagiri, also known as Kalawara Durga, is an ancient mountain fortress located approximately 70 km from Bangalore city, and 3 km from Chikballapur in the Indian state of Karnataka. It is off Bellary Road ( NH 7 Hyderabad-Bangalore Highway), and overlooks Nandi Hills and Muddenahalli. The peak is at an altitude of about 1350 meters. Skandagiri is a perfect weekend getaway near Bangalore, preferred by most adventure and nature lovers. Located in the Nandi Hill ranges, at a distance of about 68 kms from Bangalore, the historic hill fort of Skandagiri is also famous by the name of Kalawara betta. It is one of the most loved destinations for trekking near Bangalore that offers a perfect break from the busy and stressful city life and transports the participants into a calm and peaceful environment. The trek is an exciting climbing adventure for enthusiasts

Location: Skandagiri hills


An average place. The temple on top of the hill is the only attraction. Trek is not really a trek, its a walk on the ramp (ascending). Its not challenging (mild and kids can do it). If one is keen to visit the lakshinarasimha and lakshmi temples on top, then its worth going. Else skip the place.

The roads leading to the foothill is bad. One can even drive the call to the top (2km) for temple visit.

the beak like shape rock is cordoned off. One cant go till there, as some reckless visitors have created nuisance there.



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